- Latest news of the kennel !!!!!!

. 11/07/2024 .


All of the 2 litters babies are BAER +/+.

New photos are online HERE !!


. 22/05/2024 .


Shalimar is mother, more informations here.



. 28/01/2020 .



Here is Paulette, Shih-Tzu our Shih-Tzu who has been part of our life since 9 months already. Polo makes the happiness of all family and a really great nurse for dogos puppies.



. 28/01/2020 .


Our young stallion Camarron, son of Little Sugar and Lambrusco del Sueño Latino is officially  hips A/A and elbows 0/0. this more BAER +/+ test made at 6 weeks. Allhis results on his page.


. 28/09/2019 .


Our old lady Milonga del Sueño Latino is always in good Health !!!


. 01/06/2018 .


Sueño Latino kennel was invited to judge Dogos Argentinos at the Concentracion Doguera of Layos in Spain, we had the pleasure to judge the dogs with Alicia Mauriño (Del Bagual - Spain) and Cesar Gonzalo Basone (Don Ata - Argentina).

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Nos coordonnées :

Stéphane Sauvêtre & Romy Leclerc

+336. | +336.

Coordonnées Gps

44 - Jans (FRANCE)

[Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement]


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(Syndicat national des Professions du Chien et du Chat)

Dernière mise à jour  / last update :

Le 06/02/2025

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© 2004 - 2025 Del Sueño Latino - Tous droits réservés
SIRET : 520 088 204 00026 . Code APE : 01492 . N° Élevage SCC/FCI : 444839 .
Certificats de capacité N°44.341 et 44.342 . Déclaration ICPE N°20190703 .
RC PRO Generali . Médiateur : CM2C Paris.