About us...





Our kennel is located at the North/West of France, between town of Nantes and Rennes.






- 4 hours from Paris -


- 6 hours from Toulouse - 


- 8 hours from Strasbourg - 


- 3h45 hours from Bordeaux -





We breed under the name Sueño Latino which means in english  Latin Dream what reflects well the dream we had more than 10 years ago to be surrounded by these pretty latinos.


At home, all puppies grow with their mother, us and our children, Luis and Soumaya. Our children are free in their relationship with the dogs and puppies. We leave them free in their interaction when we estimate the situation as safe and from the moment they respect the animal.


Our puppies are involved in our family's life, when they are small, all together and after, when they are older and move more, a few hours one by one or two by two each day, as a family life. They leave with their mother until their departure.


Having beautifull puppies is good but it's also important for us having healthy puppies.


* Since 2009, our dogs have official hips xrail ;


* Since 2011, all our dogs for reproduction have their BAER test ;


* Since 2013, all the dogs who leave the kennel is BAER test before leave the home ;


* Since 2014, all our dogs have official elbow xrail.

Our kennel is represented in French DOM TOM, in Europe (Belgium, Germany, Swiss, Spain, Potugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece) but also in U.S.A., United Arab Emirates, Ghana, Congo Brazzaville, Brazil, etc...


To know us better, you can also browse our gallery which illustrates our life devoted to our dogs.



Enjoy !!!! 



Romy, Stéphane, Luis, Soumaya & CO.



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Nos coordonnées :

Stéphane Sauvêtre & Romy Leclerc

+336. | +336.

Coordonnées Gps

44 - Jans (FRANCE)

[Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement]


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(Syndicat national des Professions du Chien et du Chat)

Dernière mise à jour  / last update :

Le 15/07/2024

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© 2004 - 2024 Del Sueño Latino - Tous droits réservés
SIRET : 520 088 204 00026 . Code APE : 01492 . N° Élevage SCC/FCI : 444839 .
Certificats de capacité N°44.341 et 44.342 . Déclaration ICPE N°20190703 .
RC PRO Generali . Médiateur : CM2C Paris.