Our puppies...

. Current litters .

. Next litters .

. Previous litters .

To read first !!!!





When leaving our puppies we will provide the new owners :


- The vaccination certificate (the puppy is primo-vaccinated CHPPiL and dewormed until he leaves) ;


- The passport with rabbies ;


- His official BAER test (deafness) ;


- A copy of DNA parents if the owner wishes to check the parentage of his puppy ;


- His export pedigree provided by the S.C.C. (Société Cnetrale Canine) ;


- His microship card ;


- His photos album since his birth ;


- His health book  with different tests of the parents (pedigree, xrail, BAER test, DNA, etc...) ;


- A booklet of advices created by our own experiences over the year (education, fooding, care, history, standard, ...).



* All dogs of our breeding are at least identified DNA, have BAER test and hips xrails.

Since 2013, they are also all testes elbows. Out dogs have BAER test since 2011. If we use a male out of our kennel, it's possible we no having official xrail.



We provide, of course, permanent advices 7 days a week and 24 hours a day in case of need and doubts because for us, the role of the breeder is not limited to the sale of his offsprings but also to the life of the dog and during the important stages of his life....









Our puppies are sold :


- 1.500 Euros male and female, +/+, corresponding to the sandard at the moment of the sale ;


- 1.150 Euros  if the puppy is +/- with a refund of 150 Euros by us if the dog is sterilized before 1 year.


- 1.150 Euros  if the puppy is LOF but no corresponds at the standard (spots for example).




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Rejoignez-nous / Join us :

Nos coordonnées :

Stéphane Sauvêtre & Romy Leclerc

+336. | +336.

Coordonnées Gps

44 - Jans (FRANCE)

[Visites sur rendez-vous uniquement]


Elevage adhérent au S.N.P.C.C.

(Syndicat national des Professions du Chien et du Chat)

Dernière mise à jour  / last update :

Le 06/02/2025

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SIRET : 520 088 204 00026 . Code APE : 01492 . N° Élevage SCC/FCI : 444839 .
Certificats de capacité N°44.341 et 44.342 . Déclaration ICPE N°20190703 .
RC PRO Generali . Médiateur : CM2C Paris.